Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stress Eating On Weight Watchers

I admit it, I am a stress eater.

I think that's (one reason) why I gained back a lot of the weight in the first place. And moving to New York has done nothing if not made me stressed out. Being unemployed for the first 45 days and then being constantly in debt since then hasn't helped matters.

Of course, don't forget, the food one can afford when one is broke is only bad for you. Ask my roommates and they can attest to the fact that for weeks all I ate at home was pasta with butter. I know -- I KNOW -- it's about 5,000 calories a dish, but when you are barely scraping by, it's hard to pass up $0.89 pasta!

Well, for reasons that I won't disclose in blog form, I found myself wanting to stress eat again this weekend. Not because of money, but because of people.

Of course, the only foods I have in the house are all Weight Watchers foods: Smart Ones, Lite N' Fit Yogurt, Rice Cakes, Skinny Cows, etc.

Not quite as fulfilling as pasta, ice cream, and cashews, right?!

I did however find something new. Going outside.

I was able to walk around the city a bit today and just getting out of the dark apartment and off the couch really energized me.

Maybe things are turning around afterall.

1 comment:

  1. AJ go organic. dont do smart ones. just do fruit and stuff. fruit is yummy!! my mom lost 10 lbs in like 15 days.
