Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stress Eating On Weight Watchers

I admit it, I am a stress eater.

I think that's (one reason) why I gained back a lot of the weight in the first place. And moving to New York has done nothing if not made me stressed out. Being unemployed for the first 45 days and then being constantly in debt since then hasn't helped matters.

Of course, don't forget, the food one can afford when one is broke is only bad for you. Ask my roommates and they can attest to the fact that for weeks all I ate at home was pasta with butter. I know -- I KNOW -- it's about 5,000 calories a dish, but when you are barely scraping by, it's hard to pass up $0.89 pasta!

Well, for reasons that I won't disclose in blog form, I found myself wanting to stress eat again this weekend. Not because of money, but because of people.

Of course, the only foods I have in the house are all Weight Watchers foods: Smart Ones, Lite N' Fit Yogurt, Rice Cakes, Skinny Cows, etc.

Not quite as fulfilling as pasta, ice cream, and cashews, right?!

I did however find something new. Going outside.

I was able to walk around the city a bit today and just getting out of the dark apartment and off the couch really energized me.

Maybe things are turning around afterall.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's the skinny on Gay Skinny?

Gay Skinny.

It's something I have joked with my friends about for years.

"Oh, he looks great for a straight guy, but he's morbidly obese in the gay world."

A Google search of "gay skinny" popped up this op-ed piece from The Redeye, a Chicago daily news publication.

"A guy such as myself who is 6 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds is considered thin by most hetero standards. But the minute he steps into a gay bar he is met with screams of terror. OK, I exaggerate, a bit. You may be Ryan Reynolds at the Hangge-Uppe, but you quickly become Kevin Fat-erline as soon as you enter Minibar. It's hard to celebrate your body as it is when you have an entire community and marketing campaigns saying you could be better.

Just as women are faced with airbrushed female models on fashion mags, gay men are smacked with a barrage of unrealistic body images. Open any national gay magazine or local publication geared toward the gay community and you will see ridiculously buff men." -- Jason Steele

I couldn't have put it better myself.

I would say that that not only is it ridiculously buffed men, but it's also hairless twinks, etc.

I am a product of the marriage of French and English genes -- I have body hair. There, I said it. And I for one don't have the time, energy or budget to remove every bit of it. Do I let it grow into my own personal Chewbacca costume, eh no. But I'm also not going to dip myself in Nair every time beach season rolls around.

Why are the conventional hotties in the gay world hairless, chiseled or twinkish? They certainly aren't the majority?

I remember one session with my therapist when I talked about my experiences with Weight Watchers in 2008 (remember, when I was surviving on about 300 calories or so). I was recounting how I had went to a popular gay bar in Chicago for Musical Theatre Monday's and a guy who had rejected me the year prior when I was heavy approached me and asked me out. I had thought that a moment like this a) only happened in movies and b) would feel great, but it just felt lousy. I guess I was "pretty" but more than that I was F***ING HUNGRY!!! :)

I'd like to be done with the ambition of "gay skinny."

New goal: "Healthy AJ"

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mandatory Calorie Counts -- A Hug From Jesus?

So, it's Day Two of the Weight Watchers magic.

Good news, I'm not dead yet or starving. These seems like pluses to me.

It's actually kind of amazing how just the beginning of a new chapter in life can bring about such joy and energy. I honestly don't know when I've felt more content and energized in the last couple of months than I did yesterday.

Let's talk about something that is both a blessing and a curse in NYC: Mandatory Calories On Every Menu.

It's actually really helpful when it comes to Weight Watchers. Now granted to figure out points you need not only the calorie count, but also the fat gram count and fiber count, but it's nice to know that the Turkey Sausage Egg White Flatbread Sandwich is 290 Calories (6 points). 6 points for breakfast isn't bad in my book. Couple that with an Iced Coffee (Sweetened with Splenda) and an Apple (1 point) and that's a good meal!

The negative of the calorie count is that sometimes you don't want to know that the Sausage Biscuit with Egg from McDonald's is 510 calories (it comes out to 13 FREAKING POINTS!!!)

Now I'm saying punish yourself if you want to indulge on some McDonald's, BUT I think I'll take the mandatory calorie counts as the good lord's way of pointing me towards Weight Watchers.


Tomorrow's Topic: Is there such thing as Gay Skinny?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Artichoke Fritter That Broke The Camel's Back

Last night I was closing at work (oh, for those who don't know I am back in NYC and working a lovely little restaurant in Hell's Kitchen) and I was serving three gentlemen who had come in post-show for some dinner.

If you know me, you know that I am the kind of server who talks to most of my guests comfortably and tries to read everyone to see what THEY want me to be. Are they outgoing and friendly? Good, that's me. Are they shutoff and would like to pretend I don't exist? Well, okay, but you are in a restaurant -- so a little eye contact and a smile is much appreciated.

Okay, back to the table that changed everything.

I was taking orders when the following scene occurred:

Begin Scene

Guest C: What exactly are the artichoke fritters?

AJ: Well, they....

Guest A: He's cute.

Guest B: What?

Guest A: The waiter. He's adorable.

AJ: (taken aback) Oh.

Guest A: He's exactly my type.

(AJ stands there confused. Is this man drunk? Does he not know that I am standing right there and can hear every word he says?)

Guest C: Oh, is that right?

Guest A: Oh yeah! I really have a thing for big guys!

(sound effect: SCREEEEEEEECH record stop sound)

AJ: Ummmmmm, what?

Guest A: (trying to be flirty) I just really like big guys.

AJ: (word vomit) Well, I am sure that every guy wants to be called a "big guy" when being flirted with.

Guest A: (back tracking) Oh, God!

Guests B & C: Oh, GOD!

Guest A: I'm sorry, I didn't mean big like, heavy. I meant big like, tall.

Guest B & C: Oh. My. God.

AJ: (who is indeed 6'2" and thus, TALL, is still suffering from word vomit -- sarcastically) I'm sure every person who has body image issues automatically equates the word BIG with TALL. (quickly comes to his senses. I'm at work, he thinks and this guy really means NOTHING by this.) I am so sorry, I didn't mean to make that awkward.

Guest C: No, he made it awkward. (addressing Guest A)

AJ: Now, the artichoke fritters.... (AJ continues to explain what they are all while feeling like a huge fool in his head. How could he be offended by what was obviously supposed to be a genuine compliment from a stranger).

(Over the course of the dinner, every time AJ goes back to check on things, refill waters, etc Guest A calls him gorgeous, delectable, delicious, adorable, beautiful and even compares him to Wild Mushroom Risotto Balls and Mashed Potatoes.)

End Scene

This wasn't the first time the word "big" had brought out insecurities. For years I've been called "big guy" and every time I get upset my friends tell me it's because I am "freakishly tall." But I can't help but think of big in terms of weight -- ie "big as a house" -- and so I decided it's time to fix two things.

1. Get the self confidence back that I know is inside me so I can be the best AJ I can be!

2. Change the things that can be changed and learn to accept the things that can't!

My History with Weight Watchers

So here's the story.

December 27, 2008 I joined Weight Watchers. I had been living in NYC for almost 3 months at the time and had gained about 20lbs since moving. Now, anyone that lives in NYC knows that it is a tough city to find your place in. I felt very alone, depressed and stressed out.

Now, I don't know about you guys, but when I get down I eat. Ice cream is probably my biggest weakness. I can down an entire 1.5 gallons of Breyer's in a single seating. Don't believe me -- ask my roommates. I've even taken to (in the last 2 years) buying cashews or party peanuts to pour on top of each bowl for a little saltiness with my sweets.

So, on December 27, 2008 I decided to make a change. I joined Weight Watchers (waiting til after the Holiday because I knew my mom wouldn't like me not eating the feasts the family had prepared -- and in all honesty, I wouldn't have liked it either!) I spent the next 30 odd days counting points, spending WAY too much money on SmartOnes (in NYC they are WAY overpriced), and trying in vain to still validate eating Pad Thai. Still, I lost about 10lbs and was feeling good.

I had already made the decision to move back to Chicago on February 1, 2008. I was going to be living alone for the first time in my life AND I had a job at an office, so I wasn't going to be constantly distracted by food (as I would be at a restaurant). Every Saturday, my sister and I would go to Target to buy groceries. I decided to ONLY purchase Weight Watchers approved foods. This consisted of a weeks worth of the following: SmartOnes, Zero Point Progresso Soup, Frozen Vegetables, Oatmeal, Diet Soda, Sugar Free Jello, Rice Cakes and Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches.

Every Monday I would take 5 SmartOnes into work, label them and put them in the freezer. Every two weeks or so I would bring a large container of Oatmeal and rice cakes, and every day I would bring in about 4 or 5 Diet Sodas.

Here is how my day consisted:

9:00am: Arrive at work and make a bowl of Oatmeal with Splenda (2 points)
9:30am: Drink Cup of Coffee with Splenda (0 points)
12:00pm: Drink 1st Diet Soda and have 2 Rice Cakes (2 points)
1:30pm: Drink 2nd Diet Soda
3:00pm: Quickly eat SmartOnes for lunch (4-6 points)
3:05pm - 4:00pm: Take nap
4:00pm: Drink 3rd Diet Soda and eat EXACTLY 7 pretzels from break room (2 points)
5:00pm: Take 4th Diet Soda for train ride home
5:30pm - 7:00pm: Cardio on Stairmaster for 30-60 minutes (burning 9-11 points)
Walking/Running on Treadmill for 30 min (burning 8 points)
7:30pm: Eat Dinner -- SmartOnes (4-6 points), Veggies (0 points), Soup (1 point)
8:30pm: Eat Skinny Cow (2 points)

Points Eaten: 17-21 (850-1050 calories)
Points Burned Off: 17-19 (850-950 calories)

I was able to do this for about 8 months. In those 8 months I lost 85lbs. Now, I admit a couple things about this:

1) It ridiculous that I can name (2 years later) every single thing that I ate for 8 months.

2) Clearly surviving on effectively 0-100 calories a day is not a healthy lifestyle.

Needless to say, after 8 months I was hungry. Of course, in true AJ fashion I went back whole hog and have slowly over the last 2 years gained 47lbs back.

And so here we are....

With all apologies to Terry McMillan...

Please don't sue me. (Not that I expect you to ever hear or read any of this.)

It's just a clever title for my journey back to self confidence. It all just really reminded me of Stella and how she was able to find and love herself again! :)